Monday 30 November 2009

The Games Industry Uncovered - Task 1B

Current Financial Issues

Current financial issues can trouble the games industry, such as the following key things:


Milestones are important when keeping financial issues at bay; they keep everything in order and are essential to manage and control a project, and can be used to check how a project is progressing.

For example you are project manager for a games company. You employ around 60 employees, you are paying them by the hour. A company has come to you and asked for your services in producing a platform game by a deadline. You don’t set any milestones and your team have not used time effectively and failed to meet the deadline. This puts your team in jeopardy because not only does this possibly affect your payment from whoever asked for your services but it also gives you a bad reputation.

Business Models

A business model is nothing more than a representation of how a business makes (or intends to make) money. This can be affected by financial issues. Imagine you are an entrepreneur and you come up with an idea for a product nobody else has thought of, and you start a business with the help of investors. However, you have one constraint - you are short of money to advertise your product to a wide audience. This is an example of how financial problems can affect the business model.


Budgeting is also important to keeping away from financial issues; this is because it allows you to control the amount of money you spend in certain areas. Imagine you are running a games company and you hire a team of developers, but you don’t budget correctly. This means you run out of money and are unable to complete the project.

Market trends

A market trend is tendency of a market to do something in a particular direction over a space of time, within the industry there are various different market trends including:


There are marketing trends when it comes to the public buying in products, this can be things such as games. An example of this is with the latest Call of Duty; a current trend in the video game industry is a lust for First person shooters


National Trends are when a product is released and a specific country will have liking or disliking to it, example a game is released internationally and sells highly in just one country. Trends like this can indefinitely increase financial issues for games companies if this takes place.

International Trends

Much like national trends except on an international scale example a game is released internationally and most countries like a similar genre so the sales are okay. Just like national trends it can increase financial issues as well as aid them.

Industry Trends

Industry trends are a tendency to do something within a certain industry such as the games industry examples of these are:-

Original IP

These are games that have original ideas are used to produce a game; an example of this is Wet. What makes this original IP is that no other games company uses a character similar to her with her movement and game play.

Franchised IP

Franchised IP are games that use either licensed ideas or other ideas to produce a game this can also be based on merchandise and comics. An example of this the Halo series.

Film Industry Comparison

Sometimes games get turned into movies this can sometimes be very poor because of the transition between the two and vice versa.

1 comment:

  1. Adam,

    Although not a bad Blog, it is a little thin in most places. There doesn't appear to be any evidence of research attached to this, it is mostly written from your own point of view. Not to say your own views are bad, but I would like to see evidence of relevant research to back up your findings.

    Use of books (Athens), LRC and relevant industry websites (MCV, DEvelop), should give you some firm ground for research.

    Also, think about the use of images, video etc. to further enhance your Blog, at the moment you're not using the software to it's full potential.

