Monday 4 January 2010

Contractual, legal and ethical obligations in the games industry.

The employment contract is the first type of contract. This sets out the terms and conditions of your employment, i.e. how you will both work together and what both parties (you and the company) will do for each other.

Employment contracts in the gaming industry are likely to include clauses about benefits (which would include royalties), confidentiality (preventing leaks to competitors), inventions (the company’s right to any game you develop whilst working for them), and not competing with the company during the time you are employed by them or for a period after your timed work there ends.

Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA), Disclosure Agreements, and Confidentiality Agreements are very similar. One party divulges (discloses) some confidential information such as a game plan, new technology or processes for producing games or a business deal that hasn't yet been publicly announced and has to tell this to the other party. The other party must agree to not disclose this information, otherwise legal damage and compensation must be paid for breaching the contract.

1 comment:

  1. Adam,

    Again, although not a bad Blog, it is a little short on information.

    Copyrights, trademarks, classification (BBFC/PEGI), ethics, gender inclusiveness and accessibility issues have not been approached.

    There doesn't appear to be any evidence of research attached to this, it is mostly written from your own point of view. Not to say your own views are bad, but I would like to see evidence of relevant research to back up your findings.

    Use of books (Athens), LRC and relevant industry websites (MCV, DEvelop), should give you some firm ground for research.

    Also, think about the use of images, video etc. to further enhance your Blog, at the moment you're not using the software to it's full potential.

