Wednesday 7 October 2009

Why is research important?

Task: Why is research important?

Research is important when developing any product, because it enables the company designing the product to get to know market, for example; a company wants to develop a new sort of Toilet paper that is reasonably priced and cheap enough for the current market to buy. That company would research the current market and get data that would suite the current market i.e. how much the user/customer would pay for such a product etc.

The aim of research is to find current competitors and, see what you can do to improve because at the end of the day everybody wants to have the leading brand/product.

Another reason for research is to simply meet the customer desires and requirements, this can be achieved by getting the user to fill out questionnaires either online or possibly going as far to get people to fill them out in public.

Purpose of research:

The purpose is research is to find all knowledge and information about a specific element, market or subject.

An example of this is when Sony were releasing the PSP GO. Sony researched the market when designing this console. The console has no disc drive the console is completely dependent on having an internet connection. Sony had previously published an online survey on there community page asking what the end user wanted and the PSP GO was the end result.

Market Research :

Market research is when a company is trying to find out what the consumer looks for in a product. An example of this is a questionnaires which the public would answer and give feedback on what they like/dislike. This can be used to produce a product that everyone is going to like.

Production Research:

Production research can be in the form of a test of the product, an example of this is when games companies release beta versions of games to see how the public is going to react to the title I.E Downloads/Feedback etc. and use then use this data accordingly.

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