Thursday 17 December 2009

Research Evaluation

After analysing the data of my results I can say that:

Males tend to play more video games, 15-17 year olds play more games; however 18-21 play there fair share. Most people who taken the survey owned a PC and Xbox 360.

My survey also shows that every if not all gamers have an internet connection. Something I have found out is that the FPS genre is the most popular, slowly creeping up is the adventure/platform genre. This is what I feel what I am going to base my game on.

For my primary source of information I submitted surveys online and distributed them via the ever popular site ‘face book’ as I thought this was the most efficient way to get quick results. I also posted a link to the survey on popular website ‘neo win’ my surveys asked the user what they look for in games and why.

For my secondary source I used the Internet to find popular genres of games.

For my quantitive source I looked on the popular website this website gives up-to-date sales figures for almost every game in the market. This gave me sales figures to source what people’s favourite games are.

For my qualitive source I took it upon myself to read some reviews about some of the games mentioned in my research techniques assignment. Reading these gave me inspiration to write about them.