Thursday 17 September 2009

Job Roles

Group 2

The following job roles will be taken on by the following: -

Artist - Alex D
Audio Engineer - Alex S
Designer - Adam K (Me)
Scriptwriter - Jack D
Level Designer - Matt P

The role I am taking on is Designer this usually includes working around 35 hours a week; however this may be longer since deadlines need to be met at every possible manner. The jobs salary range’s from £19,000 for newcomers all the way up to £55,000 for experience designers. (2009).

The job consists of all aspects of design; it isn’t just a set role this can range from: -

• 3D modelling
• Designing elements such as levels, characters, etc.
• Working with the animation team closely
• Manage a group of people
• Project management
• Communication with other departments

Skills required for completing the job are as following: -

• Able to keep a tidy house keeping
• Experienced knowledge in 3D software (3DSMAX/other)
• Commitment to the job
• Understanding of the video games industry
• Good teamwork; able to work in a team effectively and efficiently
• A degree in some form of media

Job Research - Bibliography

Bibliography (2009). Games Designer. Available: Last accessed 17 September 2009.